Directory of Officially Certified “Clean & Safe” Establishments.

The Official Portuguese Visitors Bureau, also known as “Turismo de Portugal”, launched a nationwide initiative in April 24, 2020, comprised of highly strict rules of operation and mandatory compliance with specific hygiene and cleaning requirements for prevention and control of COVID-19 and other possible infections.

Only certified businesses/establishments are awarded the “Clean and Safe” Stamp and allowed to conduct business. This measures are in place to ensure the safety and well being of our beloved visitors.

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What is The Clean & Safe Seal?

Statistics: 5 Categories 676 Locations 6833 Resources 2 Reviews


“Considering the widespread concern in the resumption of economic and social activity as soon as the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic allows, Turismo de Portugal created a “Clean and Safe” stamp of approval to distinguish tourist activities which are compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and other possible infections.

As of April 24, tourism enterprises, tourist entertainment companies and travel agencies, companies that have an official registration with the National Tourist Authority, will be able to request certification as a “Clean and Safe” establishment. After companies have submitted the Declaration of Commitment, they can publicize the “Clean and Safe” stamp, either physically on their premises or in their digital platforms.

With this measure, Turismo de Portugal intends to inform companies on the hygiene requirements and cleaning measures to ensure the safety of various establishments, according to the recommendations of the DGS – Directorate-General for Health, as well as promoting Portugal as a safe destination from the point of view of care with the spread of the Virus, reinforcing the confidence of those who visit the country.

This validation is free and optional and is valid for one year. It will require the implementation of an internal protocol that will ensure the necessary hygiene measures to avoid risks of contagion and guarantee safe procedures for the operation of tourist activities. Turismo de Portugal, in coordination with the competent entities, will carry out audits of establishments that join this “Clean and Safe” initiative.”

“Clean&Safe” Visit Portugal 05-10-2020